Wealth can have an amazing effect on our lives, but it can also present its own challenges, especially in a family environment. Greatly empowering on the one hand, it must be handled with prudence, diligence and care in order to make it grow and last.
Imagine if your gift to future generations could be financial security, enabling them to do what they wanted with their lives, rather than chasing a salary? How incredible would that be! Exploring further, what good could future generations do for the world if they focused their efforts on what makes them happy and what makes the most difference to the world around them, rather than what pays the mortgage? If you are the next generation, being given wealth can be a great enabler but it can also come with crushing responsibility.
The idea of this site is to share ideas and thoughts on how to build and keep wealth, how to put structures and governance in place to ensure it lasts and how to handle the passing of wealth from one generation to another. Check out my content on this site. If you like what you see, i’d love to hear from you. Finally, be sure to add your email to my mailing list to receive notifications of new content as and when I post it.
All the best,
The views expressed on this website are my own.
Any & all information posted here does not constitute advice or a personal recommendation.